Saturday, November 9, 2013

So many ...

There are so many thoughts/ideas/posts I have that I can't wait to blog about. The problem - my computer. Yes ... it's crap! It is the slowest machine on the planet and sometimes just decides to not do anything. So when I think about sitting down to blog I get anxious - because of this darn thing. Saving up for a new one. Hopefully this one holds out until then. I hope I don't throw it out the window first.

:) On to happy news - bursting about our HOLLY! Praise the Lord! So you can expect lots of pregnancy posts coming. Now that means that you ... along with Kate, have to read this. HA! So there ... I have two followers. And I know that you guys won't leave mean comments so it's all good.

Let's see ... check out Garden of Life products. They make Prenatal vitamins and protein powder that I put in smoothies every day.
Also look into Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Started taking that recently instead of the Omega 3. Check it out:

I was on a prescription prenatal for both Madeline and Andrew - until I looked at the bright BLUE pill and thought ... hmmmm ... a big bright blue artifically colored vitamin? Weird. Yes ... very! Then I read what was in the capsule ... a whole bunch of stuff I couldn't pronounce along with lots of known carcinogens (cancer causing) like BLUE #5! Really? Here pregnant lady and new baby ... take some blue #5. Um no. Switched. Now I know what I am taking - it's actually real FOOD!

A wee bit about Acupuncture and fertility. :)
"On its own, acupuncture can be seen as an alternative way of treating fertility problems. It is also often seen as a complementary therapy to modern fertility treatments. When used alone, though, acupuncture is probably most effective for those couples who are experiencing a functional problem, like irregular ovulation, rather than a structural problem, like a blockage in the sperm ducts. Some practitioners will also recommend Chinese herbs for infertility that will supplement the acupuncture and any other treatment you may be receiving."

Just sayin .... I know one thing - acupuncture can induce labor - so I will never again go in for an induction with Pitocin. Whoot whoot! :) 

And so this post doesn't get to long ... the one that follows will be about Calcium. :) Basically touching on all the things we talked about today. HA!

It's past my bedtime ...

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