A little post written by my sister in law - Katie Hartfiel. I have been meaning to share, but just didn't sit down to write it. Here ya go:
Several months ago Steph and I were having a conversation about how much we suck (I think a lot of our good ideas come from conversations about how we suck). We were talking about how bad we are at finding personal prayer time and how we hardly (if ever) pray for our husbands. Well after thinking about this for awhile I had some thoughts that I sent her... Over the last few days I thought about how we suck extra because we should've also shared these thoughts with you. So... better late than never.
Basically, I was thinking about how I don't have time to pray. Even my prayer time at Mass consists of someone crawling all over my face. I think the last time I heard the readings was 2008. Anyway,I realized that I try to give God my extra time that I have left over... which is basically none. I got to thinking about Cain and Abel, and how God asked them to give a tenth of their earnings to Him. Cain gave what he had left over, whereas Abel gave his first fruits, the very best of his crops. So, since I don't have a job, all I have to give is myself. Steve Bollman says, "how you spend your time is how you spend yourself." So I decided I needed to start giving my first fruits of my time alone- which is limited. So I started tithing nap time. I told Steph and she started doing the same. So during nap time I usually have about 2 hours to myself. So ten percent of 2 hours is just 12 min- which is a no brainer. So as soon as I lay Clare down, I walk out and
see laundry to be folded, e-mails to be answered, dinner to be prepped etc etc. but BEFORE I do any of that, I sit down with my Bible and journal and give God the first fruits of my most prized possession- nap time. So what Steph and I did, was get a 3 subject notebook. One section is for Mark, and the other two are for Maria and Clare. I set my timer for 12 min and then I just google a verse for one of them. It might be, Scripture to know God's love, or for protection or peace, or for his eyes, body, HEART, etc. I write that verse at the top of the page and then journal about that verse for the rest of the time. When the timer goes off, I almost always keep writing for a bit. It goes by so fast. I have found that it has really opened me up to God's Word and helped me to feel like I am doing more of what I am supposed to be doing as a wife and mother.
Because this has been such a blessing to us, I thought it was worth sharing. Don't feel like I am pressuring you into doing this as well, I simply wanted to share with you just in case it was something that could help!
Steph and I periodically e-mail one another the verses we are praying for our husbands and kids. If this is something you'd like to join us in, let me know. We'd love to hear your verses and share with you as well.
Happy Easter!!!!!